Capstone Summary

For my capstone project, I built and sound designed a video game. The game engine I used was Unity, which allows you to edit games in real time. The game I am focusing on is their FPS Micrograme, which is a First Person Shooter game. My project was broken down into two parts: game designing and then sound designing . First, I built the game from scratch using my creativity along with some mods to include or change things for the gameplay. The game design process included building the map/layout of the game, placing the enemies, and creating objectives for the player to complete. Then, I designed the sound effects I needed to match the gameplay and also created a background music track. Lastly, I integrated all of those sounds into the game and make necessary changes if needed. By doing this project, I hoped that I can further develop my skills in sound designing while also learning more about how music technology is used in the video game industry. I hoped that I can create an amazing game and design sounds that match gameplay, to bring it to life and immerse the player into the game as much as possible.

Throughout this whole process, I have been inspired by many other projects for my work. For the gameplay and design, games like Overwatch and Apex Legends inspired me in the terms the setting of the game, the layout, and character development. For the sound designing process, those two games also inspired me in terms of the sci-fi/fantasy sound effects for the player and other audio sources. However, the music background track was inspired by the popular franchise Call of Duty specifically their Vanguard game, since their story mode game feature is a first person shooter like my game. In Vanguard, the sounds alongside with the music plays a big role in the game in bringing the story to life. That inspired me throughout my creation process while making the music track in hope that it helps bring out the game environment I made and increases player immersion.